Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sleep Issues

We’ve been dealing with a few sleep issues in our house as of late, here’s the run down:
#1-Dan snoring. This has been a problem for the last almost 7 years we’ve been married. I’ve grown accustomed to it, but when you’re awake feeding a baby for the 14,328 time, and your spouse is snoring logs next to you reminding you of the sleep you wish you were having, it becomes a tad annoying.

#2- Briggsy boy. Let’s just say that the boy likes his mom and his mom’s goodies. A lot. Especially at night, during sleeping hours.

#3- Ella sleepwalking/sleep talking. All of the sudden, Ella’s had a few sleep issues of her own. It started out with crying out in the middle of the night to which was easily solved by us going in her room and patting her back. Then we heard the footsteps…in the middle of the night. Scary the first time or two, yes, but, now we are secured with gates and latches, so we’re more prepared and less scared. Then, last night happened.

Let’s start out by saying that 2 nights ago, I “cleaned out” her bed, you know, books, blankets, miscellaneous toys and shoes that had made their way in her bed. What’s that you say, miscellaneous shoes? 12 of them. Count 6 pairs, 12 total shoes, hidden in my kid’s bed. She’s obsessed with her shoes. I put them all away and didn’t hear another word. UNTIL LAST NIGHT AT 3:12am. Ella started screaming out in the middle of her sleep, I ran in there and Ella was yelling, “Shoes, mommy, shoes, please, my shoes.” So what does any good mother do? I ran to her closet and gathered as many shoes as my hands could find in the dark and brought them to her bed. As she held onto her shoes with both arms and I covered her back up and patted her back, you could hear Ella say as she was falling back asleep, “Thank you mommy, my shoes. Thank you mommy.”

Wonder what we have to look forward to when she’s 16?!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Love Day

Happy Valentine's Day! We didn't do a whole lot around here this year. I surprised Dan with a breakfast pizza with the sausage in the shape of a heart. He suprised me with a nice card and Ella with a HUGE heart balloon that she was OVER the moon about! Ella got a frosted cookie and some Barbie dolls, and then we enjoyed a nice steak dinner. Maybe one day we'll get a chance for a date night, but spending the night at home with our two little love bugs worked great for us! Ella's Valentine's are always a big deal. Here are her and Briggs' Valentine's this year. Little sippy cup apples that say "You are the Apple of My Eye" and we filled the apple with some M&M's. Hopefully her friends liked the fun treat! We got the apples at HyVee for $1 which was just as much as we would have spent on anything else! Happy Love Day!