Another month gone by, another month older, so hard to believe my sweet Briggs! We love you so much BUT we are SO ready for you to sleep through the night. You are getting up at 1 and 4 every single night. I'm either nursing you back to sleep (only for you to wake up and nurse again) or giving you a bottle. The problem is that you can't get yourself to sleep. You'll close your eyes, and allow us to rock you, but then, as soon as its time for us to lay you down, you wake up and scream. We've even let you try crying it out L you just cry and cry and cry some more and it's horrible for all of us. Mommy is tired sweet Briggs! The good news is that you're still sweet during the day and you still have a sweet temperament! This month, on Father's Day (no joke!) you woke up saying Dada. What a great present to Daddy. You also say Ella VERY regularly (your first word by the way was Ella! way back when you were probably 5 or 6 months old). Your very favorite word to say, however, is Uh Oh. And you say it with EVERYTHING. One day we walked through the grocery store and you waved to everyone and said Uh Oh to everyone, it was so cute! You have also taken your first steps this month!!! Hard to believe, but you did. You are very cautious though (unlike your sister Ella). You think about what you're going to do before you do it. It's funny to watch you do this and think things through in your mind. We're hopeful that you are more cautious than Ella in general, as she's a little spitfire! You still laugh and laugh and laugh at Ella and every time she's around. She announced this month that you're her bestest friend in the whole world. And, I believe it. She loves being with you, making you laugh, aggravating you, stealing your binkies, dressing you up with your hats and shoes, and trying to make you walk to her. She just loves you and you love her. Your favorite food is still blueberries (just cracks us up!). The biggest change this month is a change in our family. Daddy, after 8 years with Master Packing, is no longer working for them. SO, instead of hurrying things up right now looking for a job, he's taking his time, being selective and spending the summer with you and Ella! How awesome!! You're loving it. It's been no secret that you've been a mommy's boy since the time you were born, BUT, you're really starting to come around with Daddy. You're getting easier and more laid back for him, and he's loving the extra time he gets to spend with you two. I'm a little jealous that he gets to spend all summer with you, but that's OK, how many kiddos can say they get to spend the summer with their Daddy?! You're a lucky one Briggsy! I love you very much, we all do, and we are so thankful for YOU. You make us laugh, smile, and not sleep J We'll get there, it's just been a frustrating month, but we don't love you any less, that's for sure. I sometimes like the extra snuggles in the middle of the night! Love you Briggsy boy!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
7 Months Old
Well Briggs, not only are you 7 months old, but, you are the sweetest baby in the whole world. You really are. Your demeanor is calm, sweet and joyful. You love to laugh and smile, and you really don't cry or fuss at much. You definitely love your mommy, there's no doubt about that, and you also LOVE blueberries. They are FOR SURE your favorite food. You pile them in your mouth faster than you do anything else, and you cannot get enough of them. It's hilarious. You make a HUGE mess with them, but you love them so much we can't deny you J You also love to be outside. The weather's been great, and you just enjoy taking it all in. You are also pulling yourself up on EVERY.THING. How is this possible at 7 months old?! People are AMAZED by your strength. We get comments all of the time, people cannot believe that you hold your own while standing and navigate so quickly everywhere through crawling and pulling yourself up. You pretty much take no bottle, and, the doctor says that's OK. He's amazed at your skills with the sippy cup. You do things WAY earlier than you are supposed to! It makes mommy sad that her baby is growing up! This month you went to your first circus. It was kind of cheesy (as your dad would say), but you loved the music and the lights. You especially love your sister Ella. You love rolling around on the floor with her, pulling her hair, smiling and laughing with her. You light up when you see her in the morning, and you squeal like no one's business when you go in her room (your MOST FAVORITE spot in the house!). You love sitting in her room exploring. Briggsy, we are amazed by you. The joy you bring to our lives, how stinkin' cute & smart you are, and the way that you fit right into our family. We thank God for you every day! We love you Briggs!