Monday, October 24, 2011

Briggs Ray Lamb

Briggs Ray Lamb welcome to the world!! You are now 9 days old and cute as a stinkin button. You were born at 12:17 pm on 10/20/2011 via c-section. 9lbs, 1oz and 22 inches long you surprised us all with your size, and I'm not kidding when I say you are a big boy! We are so in love with you its ridiculous! You are a dream baby, sleeping, eating and pooping and you look just like your daddy!! We are so excited to have you in our lives!! We headed to the hospital at about 10:30 on Thursday morning, we were late (of course) courtesy of your Daddy as usual :) At about 11, they told us they wanted to do the c-section early and wheeled me back at about 11:30. They prepped me for my drugs and Dr. Chris Humphries was our AWESOME anethogolist. The longest/hardest part of your labor was them putting the drugs in my back so I didn't feel anything. In fact, once they started cutting me open, I didn't even know they were cutting me! All of the doctors and nurses in the room took bets on how big you were going to be. Dr. Humpries was the closest followed by your OB Dr. Pickering. They both were about 1 oz off. I cannot believe I birthed a 9pound baby! No wonder I was so uncomfortable! You got stuck right as they were trying to pull you out, because you were too big for the incision :) Right as they were pulling you out, I was ready to ask how you were, but I got sick everywhere and Daddy had to hold the puke tray for me :( . Daddy was able to go see you right away though as they cleaned you up and he was yelling at me that you looked great and that you were a BIG boy!! Dr. Pickering was so happy that we decided to do a c-section and said you would never have fit the other way! As soon as they wheeled me to recovery, you latched right on and started eating. I couldn't even feel my fingers as you tried to nurse. The nurses couldn't believe what a pro you were at eating. Sucking right away and soothing yourself. Grandma Long, Papa Long, Auntie O, Great Grandpa, Great Grandma, Cousin Katelyn, McKenzie and Hannah were all waiting to see you as soon as we got wheeled back to our room. Everyone couldn't believe how big, how cute and how much you look like your Daddy!! Your mouth for sure looks like Ella's and some of your facial expressions, but you look so much like Daddy! Our hospital stay went well too. Mommy feels really good and we had over 30 visitors during your first 3 days. You've been home about a week now and you are just a dream baby! The other night we had a 5 hour stretch, you eat wonderfully. My only complant is that you poop all of the time and pee through outfits at least 3 times a day. You like your binky every once in awhile, but like Mommy more! Your big sister Ella is doing great. She asks where you are every morning and wants to hold you all of the time. You hated your first bath at home, but your 2nd one went very well! You usually have 2 really good awake periods, one in the morning around 9 or 10 and one at night at about the same time. The doctor cannot believe how alert you are! As of 10 days old, you weighed 8lbs 10.5 oz (60% percentile), you were 21.25 inches long (84% percentile), and had a head of 14.5 inches (58%). Your belly button is still attached but looks like its going to come off soon and we've already had to cut your nails twice!! We cannot believe that God chose us to be your parents, we feel so very blessed that you are our son. We are loving every minute of your newborness, but are excited to see you grow and your personality develop. I think you're going to be laid back like your Daddy, but only time will tell. We love you with all of our hearts and are so excited that you joined our family. Thank you Briggs for bringing so much joy to our hearts! We love you! Mommy, Daddy and Ella

Cha Cha Cha Changes.....

On the eve before we deliver Briggs, the house is clean, quiet, Mommy’s exhausted, her hands are numb from the carpal tunnel I’ve endured and Ella is taking her very first nap in her big girl room. Ahh. The moments of peace. All is about to change and I’m feeling excited, nervous, emotional, but mostly overwhelmingly blessed. I keep giving myself pep talks- you can do this, you were meant to be a mommy to two kids, the c-section is going to be a breeze, all of those things. A lot has happened in the last few weeks. Ella is talking up a storm, loving on her “brutha” in mommy’s tummy, playing with her “babies” and loving them, becoming very attached to Daddy, Mommy & other family members. Mommy’s been busy getting the household ready for another baby. Cleaning out drawers, basements, organizing clothes, driving Daddy nuts, and Daddy’s been working his “bottum” as Ella would say off trying to get Ella’s BIG girl room done on time before Baby Briggs gets here. Last night was a sigh of relief for our whole family. Daddy finished her room, it looks AMAZING (of course, your Daddy does the most amazing work!) and Ella couldn’t be more excited, and Mommy couldn’t feel more blessed. This pregnancy has been very different from Ella’s….I’m having a hard time sleeping, my hands are numb all of the time, heartburn is horrible, and I’m just plain tired, BUT, in a few short hours it will all be worth it to meet my beautiful son and be able to add one more to our already incredible family. I can’t help but wonder what I’ve done in my life that would make God love me this much, but then, it all becomes clear. God loves me unconditionally, more than He c an explain, more than he can communicate, more than he can show. Much like the love I have for Ella and Briggs. Kids- I love you more than anything. You complete me in every way imaginable. My heart is so full because of you both. I cannot thank you for what you’ve brought to my life and I can only pray and hope that one day you will understand this love. I am scared to rock Ella’s world with another baby. I’m scared that Briggs won’t get my undivided attention like Ella did, but I’m SO very anxious to show you both how great family is. I cannot wait for “group hugs” and “cuddle time” and “hugs and kisses”, I cannot wait for the arguments, jealously and life lessons that come from it, and I cannot wait for when Ella protects Briggs from the mean kids at school and Briggs is sad when Ella goes away to school. I’m excited for you, anxious for all of us, and thankful that we all get to experience it together. I love you Ella. I love you Briggs. I love you Daniel. I love The Lamb Family and who we are. Thank you Jesus for blessing me with such an incredible opportunity to be a mom and wife.