Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011

Whew. This Christmas season has been filled with joy, love and happiness. I'm so thankful that we had a wonderful time with our family and friends. Ella- this Christmas you were a doll. You've understood what "Santa" means and what "Christmas" means telling everyone that its' Jesus' birthday. You asked Santa for a bear, and everytime we'd ask what kind of bear you'd go 'roar'.... Well, did you get a bear. You got a huge, stuffed bear. It's ginormous, I'm not sure what we're going to do with it actually. You also got a play kitchen which you love (girl after her momma's heart), some books, playdoh, play guitar and microphone, dvd's and other things. You were so much fun to watch open your gifts. On Christmas Eve, we had you watch a video that Aunt Marie made for you that had Santa talking to you. It was hilarious because you got real scared and put your hand up and said, "no no no, momma, no no", but the next morning you forgot about it because you were estatic to open your gifts and Briggs' too. You've been SUPER helpful with Briggs'- giving him his binky, blankey, playing with him, all those things! Yesterday we went to a store and you were waving hi and bye to everyone. And then you said, "Merry Christmas!" It was hilarious, you pick up on things so quick. EVERYONE who sees you family, friends, anyone is amazed at how you use our phones. You get on the internet, find Elmo You Tube videos, play games, they cannot believe they are looking at a 2 year old doing that! One night this month, you got in big trouble for coloring on a wall. Daddy was NOT happy and we gave you a long lecture and timeout. The next day you were coloring in a coloring book on a table and I heard you muttering something. As I got closer, you were saying over and over "Paper only, paper only, paper only." I guess we made an impression on you :) I felt horribly guilty. We are not without our 2 year old moments, however. Fits, whining and crying happen on a daily basis. I know that it will get easier as you learn to communicate more and more. Going to a restaurant in this stage of life is pretty non-existant. Your words and vocabulary shock me everyday. Daddy and I talk all of the time about how dang sweet you are. Probably the sweetest two year old I know, but than again, I'm biased. Love you sweetie xoxoxo

2 Months Old!

Briggsy boy, you are two months old. My oh my does time fly. You are 11 lbs, 7 oz (as of Dec. 12, so I know you're quite a bit bigger than that now!), 23 inches long and your head is 38.9 cm. You are wearing 6 months clothes for the most part! You have grown out of 3 month clothes in the length, so you're either wearing clothes that are too big or clothes that are too short. :) You're in size 1/2 diapers but only until we run out, then you'll be in size 2! This month, you started smiling at everyone. You especially smile big at mommy! You have been less fussy this month, but you are really particular about your sleeping and eating patterns! You like it quiet (Ella drives you nuts) and you like your own bed to sleep in. You don't like napping in other places. Mommy is sllllooowly adapting as I hate to leave you upstairs to nap while I'm downstairs even with the monitor! You still don't like the bottle very much. I'd venture to say you've only had about 10 or so and you really don't take them well. Big news this month is that you've started finding your hands. You put your fists up in front of your face and stare at them all day long. You've also started swating at toys in front of you with your hands and feet. On 12/27, you rolled over for the first time! Already! From your back to your front. We knew you were close and Ella and I stood near cheering you on! This month you also had your first overnight away from Mommy :( Mommy had surgery on 12/20 your two month birthday and had to stay in the hospital overnight. Grandma had you and Daddy took Ella. I think you got more sleep than Grandma did :) You are definately a momma's boy. You smile the biggest when I'm holding you and if you hear my voice you'll follow it all around! You are starting to interact with Ella more and more and she LOVES helping out getting you your "binky" ("Mom, he doesn't want it) or putting a blankey on you. She'll tell me when you're crying or smiling. Briggs, we love you soooo very much. You make everyday so much fun and full of joy! We love you!