Saturday, January 21, 2012

Briggsy is 3 Months Old!

Briggs! You are 3 months old and the cutest lil booger I can possibly imagine!! You are smiling all of the time and reacting to people and their faces and voices. You looove watching your Big Sister Ella and all of her shenanigans. You also love your mommy! If I walk out of the room and you can’t find me, you look and look and look for me and then you’ll usually cry. You are most certainly a momma’s boy and that’s perfectly fine by me! At your last appointment 2 weeks ago, you weighed 12lbs 9 oz (50% percentile) and you were 24 inches long (70% percentile). Your head was 16 cm (50% percentile). My guess is that you are probably close to 14 lbs now. You are wearing size 2 diapers (until we are out and then you will be in size 3, oh my!) and you pee or poop through a diaper at LEAST once a day but more like 3 times a day. You still love your baths, and you do not like the cold weather. You gasp and kind of hold your breathe every time we have to go out in it. You hold your head up all of the time and you suck on your hands and drool constantly. If you weren’t 3 months old, I’d think you were teething the way you suck on your hands and drool. You also found your foot the other day! You reach for your foot and put it in your mouth. Even though you’ve already rolled over (from back to belly), you still don’t do it often, but always flip to your side! If we lay you on your belly, you pretty much put your feet down to crawl, it’s crazy how much you move! Right now, you love to sit in the Bumbo seat and lay in the Boppy and reach for toys. You have a toy bar on your carseat that you play with all of the time too! You also still love your swing (your favorite place to sleep!). This week I got out the saucer and you are loving that and standing on your feet more and more. You are still eating only breastmilk and taking a bottle very rarely. This is all going to change very soon as Mommy goes back to work in about a week. Mommy has been blessed to have you all to herself for 3 whole months and the thought of leaving you makes me crazy. BUT, I know you’ll be in good hands AND I know that you’ll love having a Daddy day and a Gramma day. Going back to work will be challenging as you still are not sleeping through the night very well. You still wake up a couple of times and eat until your heart and belly are content. At this point, I think you’ll be nursing until your 5  (I hope not!). When we go out in public, people always talk about how adorable you are and how well you hold your head up. Our friends can’t believe what a mover and shaker you are. You are just so stinkin’ cute! And that smile of yours will melt any heart. I have a feeling you are going to have brown eyes like Ella. Your eyes are starting to get bigger like Ella’s did too and recently we heard the first comment… “Oh my, look at his eyes….” My guess is that we’ll get a lot more of those comments as you get older! Today as I held you and rocked you, I just couldn’t help but believe how lucky I am that I get to be your Mommy. I can’t believe you are mine and that I get to spend every day for the rest of my life loving you to pieces. That is the best feeling in the whole wide world. I love you so very much and you fit into our family perfectly. Thank you for filling my heart with happiness and joy!

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