Sunday, November 20, 2011

Briggs- 1 Month Old!

Briggs! You are one month old. My sweet baby boy, you are the apple of my eye. What a little dolly you are. You are so alert and such a chunker. You are demanding and laid back all at the same time. You are a sweetheart that melts my heart every second of every day! Right now, you are laying on the floor (and have been for about an hour), just looking, cooing and every now and then fussing, but mainly just loving life. You have weaved your way into our hearts and lives so easily. You are on an awesome schedule...You and Ella are actually on the exact same schedule pretty much and we didn't even try for that!! You wake up at about 8 and Ella comes in our room and asks, "Where's Baby Biggs?...Oh there you are...Hi Baby Biggs, Hi Buddy." You smile and coo at her like you know exactly what she's saying! You stay awake while Mommy feeds you, and pumps and Ella eats breakfast. And then you pretty much sleep. and sleep some more. You get up every couple of hours for some milk and to poop (which you get real mad about!) and you take another good afternoon nap right when Ella does. You wake up again around 7 or 8 at night and stay up until about 10 or 11 and then go to bed. You have some good nights and some bad nights. On good nights, you go about 4-5 hour stretches. On bad nights, you're up "snacking" about once an hour. You are an awesome nurser, and an ok bottle feeder. You really like Mommy. If you are fussy, you like me to hold you and you LOVE the Moby. Our tag line for you is the "noisest kid ever"- you snore, sound like an animal as you gulp milk, grunt, poop loud enough for the whole house to hear and just overall like to make noise! And that's OK with us! You love the swing, feel ok about the bouncy seat, but love the floor. You really like your thumb when you can find it and the binky you're OK with too. You get really hot like your Daddy so we get you naked a lot. Everyone says you look JUST like your Daddy. You're so cute and very alert. Right now you have Ella and Daddy's cough which has me worried a bit. We've had a great month, LOTS of visitors and well wishers, and we've been lots of places. Mommy and Ella kind of go stir crazy at home, so we get out quite a bit. I've left you 2 times. Once to go to a research study and Grandma watched you and once to go shopping for a quick hour with Daddy, Grandma watched you then too. We're doing a breastfeeding study with you like we did Ella. You weigh 9lbs 14 oz, 21 and 3/4 inches and your head is 37.7. We feel so blessed and lucky to be your parents. We can't tell you how much we love you- our hearts are full of joy because of you. Thank you for making our hearts full. LOVE YOU baby boy!

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