Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Counting Queen

Ella Grace, Mommy & Daddy are SO proud of you!!! Last night, after a looooonnnngg night of our first swim lesson of the season and a 9pm basketball game for Olivia (in a gym that was 125 degrees, no lie), you counted to 10 all by yourself, unprompted. We are still in shock!! J Not that we didn't think you couldn't do it, but because we haven't even been working on it that hard. It was 10pm and you were trying to get me off of the couch to put you to bed (you're a weird kid, have I mentioned that). You had my hand and were trying to help me up and counted to 3 (which is when we usually move), but I didn't move at 3, so you kept on going….all the way to 10. WAHHOOOOO. We love you baby. PS. You did great at swim lessons too. The life guard made several comments about how you clearly aren't afraid of much! J

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