Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Good For The Soul

Ah, the feeling of being refreshed, of being anew. That’s how I feel this week after visiting with good friends and having somewhat of a “college reunion.” It was good for the soul and frankly, just what I needed! My best friend Bria, her wonderful husband Kris & beautiful baby boy Kaden came to visit this weekend. Right behind her walked in our hilarious and life-loving friend Jamie, her awesome husband Nick, and their beautiful bouncing baby boy Nolan. Right behind them, came some of our dear friends Aaron and Katie, and my awesome sister Marie & my awesome BIL Brad. Our house was packed full of friends, family, babies, food and fun and I couldn’t have been happier. As I looked around, I sighed a deep breath of satisfaction. Back in our college days, this is EXACTLY what we dreamed for. Husbands, babies, a satisfying life full of friends and blessings. We are living our dream, all of us. Yes, there is a lot of snot, poop, worrying about money, house projects, job struggles, house projects and whether or not we are raising our kids up right or royally screwing them over, but all in all, this is exactly what we longed for.
I often say that I miss college. And it’s true; I do miss it a lot. BUT, I don’t think its college so much that I miss as it’s these wonderful people that traveled the college journey with me. I miss the idea of a slumber party every night. The thought of Bria helping me dissect some work problems and giving me a new outlook on things. The way that Jamie encourages me.
While Bria was here, we had a busy few days. We went out to dinner with the group above, came home, ate some pie and drank some wine, ate breakfast, ate lunch, took the kiddos to a waterpark, slept in, worked a bit, had another good college friend over for dinner, worked some more, went to the park and stayed up late talking and laughing. The weather was perfect while they were here. Spring started and the air is fresh and new providing a positive outlook on life, much like my soul feels after having a long weekend of visiting with good friends. Here’s to seeing the Jones Family and the Goins Family again soon. Let’s not wait so long to do this again!

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