Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Happy Green Day

We celebrated St. Patty's Day in style this year. Early on, Kimberly & I decided to have a picnic downtown near the parade route and then watch the parade. I made shirts for the kiddos, dressed everyone in green, made green noodles, rainbow cupcakes. Kimberly brought green plates, cups, green milk. We.Went.All.Out. Mark my words: NOT WORTH IT. At least not today, maybe one day ? It had disaster written out all over. Kimberly and I were in charge of getting 3 kids ready, lunches/bags packed, car loaded and out the door on time. The guys were in charge of going disc golfing (which they pulled off successfully). The green lunch started out cool, until the kids saw that the adults had Doritos with their lunch. Forget the nice clean shirts I made, Doritos were EVERY.WHERE. Then insert drunk people. EVERY.WHERE. It was like a Disney World nightmare only with drunk people. The parade finally (and I mean finally) started and the coolness was cool until the no nap meltdown began. At least there were lots of suckers to use as bribes. Parents of older kids were rude, my kids didn't understand the point of what was going on. Bottom line, I hope one day the kids appreciate all we did to pull this off, because I'm not sure it will happen again anytime soon. At least the kids looked cute doing it :)

Details on our green menu:

Green Noodles -Put dry egg noodles in a baggie with green food coloring and 1-2 Tbs of vinegar. Let it sit for 4-6 hours, and then put it out on wax paper and let it dry overnight. Cook normally.

Rainbow Cupcakes-Take a white cake mix. Divide it up into cups. Use 5-6 different cups depending on how many different colors you want to make (or have). Mix a different color into each up (making the color very vibrant). Add a tablespoon or so to each muffin tin, layering the colors. Very important- do not spread, just "plop" on top of the next color and bake normally! Enjoy!

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