Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011

Whew. This Christmas season has been filled with joy, love and happiness. I'm so thankful that we had a wonderful time with our family and friends. Ella- this Christmas you were a doll. You've understood what "Santa" means and what "Christmas" means telling everyone that its' Jesus' birthday. You asked Santa for a bear, and everytime we'd ask what kind of bear you'd go 'roar'.... Well, did you get a bear. You got a huge, stuffed bear. It's ginormous, I'm not sure what we're going to do with it actually. You also got a play kitchen which you love (girl after her momma's heart), some books, playdoh, play guitar and microphone, dvd's and other things. You were so much fun to watch open your gifts. On Christmas Eve, we had you watch a video that Aunt Marie made for you that had Santa talking to you. It was hilarious because you got real scared and put your hand up and said, "no no no, momma, no no", but the next morning you forgot about it because you were estatic to open your gifts and Briggs' too. You've been SUPER helpful with Briggs'- giving him his binky, blankey, playing with him, all those things! Yesterday we went to a store and you were waving hi and bye to everyone. And then you said, "Merry Christmas!" It was hilarious, you pick up on things so quick. EVERYONE who sees you family, friends, anyone is amazed at how you use our phones. You get on the internet, find Elmo You Tube videos, play games, they cannot believe they are looking at a 2 year old doing that! One night this month, you got in big trouble for coloring on a wall. Daddy was NOT happy and we gave you a long lecture and timeout. The next day you were coloring in a coloring book on a table and I heard you muttering something. As I got closer, you were saying over and over "Paper only, paper only, paper only." I guess we made an impression on you :) I felt horribly guilty. We are not without our 2 year old moments, however. Fits, whining and crying happen on a daily basis. I know that it will get easier as you learn to communicate more and more. Going to a restaurant in this stage of life is pretty non-existant. Your words and vocabulary shock me everyday. Daddy and I talk all of the time about how dang sweet you are. Probably the sweetest two year old I know, but than again, I'm biased. Love you sweetie xoxoxo

2 Months Old!

Briggsy boy, you are two months old. My oh my does time fly. You are 11 lbs, 7 oz (as of Dec. 12, so I know you're quite a bit bigger than that now!), 23 inches long and your head is 38.9 cm. You are wearing 6 months clothes for the most part! You have grown out of 3 month clothes in the length, so you're either wearing clothes that are too big or clothes that are too short. :) You're in size 1/2 diapers but only until we run out, then you'll be in size 2! This month, you started smiling at everyone. You especially smile big at mommy! You have been less fussy this month, but you are really particular about your sleeping and eating patterns! You like it quiet (Ella drives you nuts) and you like your own bed to sleep in. You don't like napping in other places. Mommy is sllllooowly adapting as I hate to leave you upstairs to nap while I'm downstairs even with the monitor! You still don't like the bottle very much. I'd venture to say you've only had about 10 or so and you really don't take them well. Big news this month is that you've started finding your hands. You put your fists up in front of your face and stare at them all day long. You've also started swating at toys in front of you with your hands and feet. On 12/27, you rolled over for the first time! Already! From your back to your front. We knew you were close and Ella and I stood near cheering you on! This month you also had your first overnight away from Mommy :( Mommy had surgery on 12/20 your two month birthday and had to stay in the hospital overnight. Grandma had you and Daddy took Ella. I think you got more sleep than Grandma did :) You are definately a momma's boy. You smile the biggest when I'm holding you and if you hear my voice you'll follow it all around! You are starting to interact with Ella more and more and she LOVES helping out getting you your "binky" ("Mom, he doesn't want it) or putting a blankey on you. She'll tell me when you're crying or smiling. Briggs, we love you soooo very much. You make everyday so much fun and full of joy! We love you!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Briggs- 1 Month Old!

Briggs! You are one month old. My sweet baby boy, you are the apple of my eye. What a little dolly you are. You are so alert and such a chunker. You are demanding and laid back all at the same time. You are a sweetheart that melts my heart every second of every day! Right now, you are laying on the floor (and have been for about an hour), just looking, cooing and every now and then fussing, but mainly just loving life. You have weaved your way into our hearts and lives so easily. You are on an awesome schedule...You and Ella are actually on the exact same schedule pretty much and we didn't even try for that!! You wake up at about 8 and Ella comes in our room and asks, "Where's Baby Biggs?...Oh there you are...Hi Baby Biggs, Hi Buddy." You smile and coo at her like you know exactly what she's saying! You stay awake while Mommy feeds you, and pumps and Ella eats breakfast. And then you pretty much sleep. and sleep some more. You get up every couple of hours for some milk and to poop (which you get real mad about!) and you take another good afternoon nap right when Ella does. You wake up again around 7 or 8 at night and stay up until about 10 or 11 and then go to bed. You have some good nights and some bad nights. On good nights, you go about 4-5 hour stretches. On bad nights, you're up "snacking" about once an hour. You are an awesome nurser, and an ok bottle feeder. You really like Mommy. If you are fussy, you like me to hold you and you LOVE the Moby. Our tag line for you is the "noisest kid ever"- you snore, sound like an animal as you gulp milk, grunt, poop loud enough for the whole house to hear and just overall like to make noise! And that's OK with us! You love the swing, feel ok about the bouncy seat, but love the floor. You really like your thumb when you can find it and the binky you're OK with too. You get really hot like your Daddy so we get you naked a lot. Everyone says you look JUST like your Daddy. You're so cute and very alert. Right now you have Ella and Daddy's cough which has me worried a bit. We've had a great month, LOTS of visitors and well wishers, and we've been lots of places. Mommy and Ella kind of go stir crazy at home, so we get out quite a bit. I've left you 2 times. Once to go to a research study and Grandma watched you and once to go shopping for a quick hour with Daddy, Grandma watched you then too. We're doing a breastfeeding study with you like we did Ella. You weigh 9lbs 14 oz, 21 and 3/4 inches and your head is 37.7. We feel so blessed and lucky to be your parents. We can't tell you how much we love you- our hearts are full of joy because of you. Thank you for making our hearts full. LOVE YOU baby boy!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Briggs Ray Lamb

Briggs Ray Lamb welcome to the world!! You are now 9 days old and cute as a stinkin button. You were born at 12:17 pm on 10/20/2011 via c-section. 9lbs, 1oz and 22 inches long you surprised us all with your size, and I'm not kidding when I say you are a big boy! We are so in love with you its ridiculous! You are a dream baby, sleeping, eating and pooping and you look just like your daddy!! We are so excited to have you in our lives!! We headed to the hospital at about 10:30 on Thursday morning, we were late (of course) courtesy of your Daddy as usual :) At about 11, they told us they wanted to do the c-section early and wheeled me back at about 11:30. They prepped me for my drugs and Dr. Chris Humphries was our AWESOME anethogolist. The longest/hardest part of your labor was them putting the drugs in my back so I didn't feel anything. In fact, once they started cutting me open, I didn't even know they were cutting me! All of the doctors and nurses in the room took bets on how big you were going to be. Dr. Humpries was the closest followed by your OB Dr. Pickering. They both were about 1 oz off. I cannot believe I birthed a 9pound baby! No wonder I was so uncomfortable! You got stuck right as they were trying to pull you out, because you were too big for the incision :) Right as they were pulling you out, I was ready to ask how you were, but I got sick everywhere and Daddy had to hold the puke tray for me :( . Daddy was able to go see you right away though as they cleaned you up and he was yelling at me that you looked great and that you were a BIG boy!! Dr. Pickering was so happy that we decided to do a c-section and said you would never have fit the other way! As soon as they wheeled me to recovery, you latched right on and started eating. I couldn't even feel my fingers as you tried to nurse. The nurses couldn't believe what a pro you were at eating. Sucking right away and soothing yourself. Grandma Long, Papa Long, Auntie O, Great Grandpa, Great Grandma, Cousin Katelyn, McKenzie and Hannah were all waiting to see you as soon as we got wheeled back to our room. Everyone couldn't believe how big, how cute and how much you look like your Daddy!! Your mouth for sure looks like Ella's and some of your facial expressions, but you look so much like Daddy! Our hospital stay went well too. Mommy feels really good and we had over 30 visitors during your first 3 days. You've been home about a week now and you are just a dream baby! The other night we had a 5 hour stretch, you eat wonderfully. My only complant is that you poop all of the time and pee through outfits at least 3 times a day. You like your binky every once in awhile, but like Mommy more! Your big sister Ella is doing great. She asks where you are every morning and wants to hold you all of the time. You hated your first bath at home, but your 2nd one went very well! You usually have 2 really good awake periods, one in the morning around 9 or 10 and one at night at about the same time. The doctor cannot believe how alert you are! As of 10 days old, you weighed 8lbs 10.5 oz (60% percentile), you were 21.25 inches long (84% percentile), and had a head of 14.5 inches (58%). Your belly button is still attached but looks like its going to come off soon and we've already had to cut your nails twice!! We cannot believe that God chose us to be your parents, we feel so very blessed that you are our son. We are loving every minute of your newborness, but are excited to see you grow and your personality develop. I think you're going to be laid back like your Daddy, but only time will tell. We love you with all of our hearts and are so excited that you joined our family. Thank you Briggs for bringing so much joy to our hearts! We love you! Mommy, Daddy and Ella

Cha Cha Cha Changes.....

On the eve before we deliver Briggs, the house is clean, quiet, Mommy’s exhausted, her hands are numb from the carpal tunnel I’ve endured and Ella is taking her very first nap in her big girl room. Ahh. The moments of peace. All is about to change and I’m feeling excited, nervous, emotional, but mostly overwhelmingly blessed. I keep giving myself pep talks- you can do this, you were meant to be a mommy to two kids, the c-section is going to be a breeze, all of those things. A lot has happened in the last few weeks. Ella is talking up a storm, loving on her “brutha” in mommy’s tummy, playing with her “babies” and loving them, becoming very attached to Daddy, Mommy & other family members. Mommy’s been busy getting the household ready for another baby. Cleaning out drawers, basements, organizing clothes, driving Daddy nuts, and Daddy’s been working his “bottum” as Ella would say off trying to get Ella’s BIG girl room done on time before Baby Briggs gets here. Last night was a sigh of relief for our whole family. Daddy finished her room, it looks AMAZING (of course, your Daddy does the most amazing work!) and Ella couldn’t be more excited, and Mommy couldn’t feel more blessed. This pregnancy has been very different from Ella’s….I’m having a hard time sleeping, my hands are numb all of the time, heartburn is horrible, and I’m just plain tired, BUT, in a few short hours it will all be worth it to meet my beautiful son and be able to add one more to our already incredible family. I can’t help but wonder what I’ve done in my life that would make God love me this much, but then, it all becomes clear. God loves me unconditionally, more than He c an explain, more than he can communicate, more than he can show. Much like the love I have for Ella and Briggs. Kids- I love you more than anything. You complete me in every way imaginable. My heart is so full because of you both. I cannot thank you for what you’ve brought to my life and I can only pray and hope that one day you will understand this love. I am scared to rock Ella’s world with another baby. I’m scared that Briggs won’t get my undivided attention like Ella did, but I’m SO very anxious to show you both how great family is. I cannot wait for “group hugs” and “cuddle time” and “hugs and kisses”, I cannot wait for the arguments, jealously and life lessons that come from it, and I cannot wait for when Ella protects Briggs from the mean kids at school and Briggs is sad when Ella goes away to school. I’m excited for you, anxious for all of us, and thankful that we all get to experience it together. I love you Ella. I love you Briggs. I love you Daniel. I love The Lamb Family and who we are. Thank you Jesus for blessing me with such an incredible opportunity to be a mom and wife.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ella Grace is 2!!!

How in the world did two years go by so quickly?? I feel so very old! Ella, I cannot believe you are 2. You are an absolute joy in our lives. We wake up talking about you and go to bed looking at you. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me . I cannot believe God loves me so much to bless me with you. We pray for you everyday and pray that you grow up loving and knowing the Lord and all of the great things He has done. To celebrate your birthday, we had a BIG ol’ party!! On Sunday, 18th, we celebrated FARM style. We rented a pavilion and had a special tour of Old MacDonald’s Farm at Bever Park with all of your friends. This mommy was CRAZY and did way too much being 9 months pregnant. We invited about 60 people and had lots of “farm food” and lots of fun with your friends. You loved seeing all of the animals and playing in your bouncy house. The best part of the day was when we brought you to the decorated pavilion and you realized that the party was for you. You put your hand over your mouth and “gasped”, it was the cutest thing. You were less interested in the presents than I thought you would be, but definitely VERY interested in the singing and blowing out the candles, you even did it all by yourself. You are talking up a storm, telling us all what to do. You pretty much can communicate everything with the exception of a few things. There are a few words you say that I have NO idea what you are saying, but most of the time, you tell us loud and clear what you want! We got your hair cut for your 2nd birthday and you look so old it makes me sad. Mommy has been very emotional the last few days as I know my time with “just you” is dwindling. I’m also a little bit worried about rocking your world by adding a brother, BUT, I find solace in the fact that you are certainly not the only kid that’s had to go through it, and, I don’t know what I would do without my brothers and sisters. They are some of the greatest gifts my mommy and daddy gave me. I know you might not feel that way right away, but, hopefully, one day you will. On your actually birthday, we had an ultrasound of Baby Briggs who is measuring quite large. Baby Briggs, you had better not be 9lbs, I don’t know what I’d do!! You kept asking about the baby and I think at one point (based on the look on your face) you realized that the picture of the baby on the screen was the baby inside my tummy. You talk to “Briggs” all of the time and kiss him and rub him. We had a newborn over at our house the other day and you were OBSESSED, when the baby sneezed you asked, “Baby, you otay?” And when I gave you a tootsie roll, you tried to share it with the baby. SO cute! Since you can’t complete your own “2 year old” interview yet (next year you will be able to!), Daddy and I completed it to the best of our abilities about you!!  Here goes…. Happy 2 years Baby Doll. We love you more than you will EVER know. Thank you for the BEST two years of our lives!

Our favorite word that you say-
Mom: You’re Welcome
Dad: They are all my favorite, but “Uh Oh” “Oh Man” “Gottcha”
Your favorite toy-
Letters from the bath tub, play food, stickers, magnadoodle, babies
Your favorite food-
Buttered noodles and pizza
Our Favorite things about you-
Dad- when you hug us, want a “group hug”, say “ I Love You” and give kisses
Mom- how loving and caring you are, asking “are you otay?”, patting our backs, saying “I love you” or “Sorry Mommy (or Daddy)” , how you treat your babies
Things to work on in the next year 
Your patience. Currently you have NONE  you still hate riding in the car or waiting through a commercial break
What’s changed since 1 year ago?
Your language and communication. The way you can talk to us, you now throw fits/tantrums , you are so much taller, you have all your teeth (sniff sniff), and your hair is SO blonde!

Monday, September 12, 2011


Wow oh wow. A LOT has happened in the last couple of weeks. For starters, Ella had her FIRST boat ride this weekend. She loved it. Yelled “Here fishy fishy fishy” over the side of the boat. It was a great time until about 30 minutes into it when you realized you could “jump ship.” And… you almost did. Daddy and I had to watch you like a hawk. Finally, mommy (9 months preggo and all) got into the lake and you jumped in with NO hesitation and swam until your heart was content. You LOVED every minute of it, laughing and rolling on your back and on your belly, it was so much fun to watch you in the lake. Since the last time we updated, you can also READ. No, I’m not kidding. You read these site words and it is the most amazing thing in the whole world to watch. Words like play, is, it, of, that, and…. you get them all right and you are so proud of yourself (and we are VERY VERY proud of you as well!). The first time you did the flashcards, you did them all right the first go around and then you looked at me and you said, “Otay mommy, sucker.” Because you knew you did something sooo good you should get a sucker! HA! That’s my smart kid!  Let’s see, what else has happened. This weekend was really busy. Daddy and Auntie Re threw mommy a very special surprise birthday party for my 30th birthday. You did NOT know what to, your friends were running around, my friends were running around and grammy, papa, boppa and grandma were all there along with EA (Olivia) and Re and Rad and Uncle Tin Tin. You were loving life. You were sooo tired though and at the end of the party we were laughing hysterically at you because you were SO excited about the moon. You kept saying, Mommy, Papa, right there, the moon, right there. It was so funny. You talked about it the whole way home until you passed out from exhaustion, and, in the middle of the night, you woke up STILL talking about it. You’re so stinkin cute. Saturday you and I hung all day while Daddy had to work  and then, we went to some friends’ house to have a bonfire. I made you share cookies with another little girl who is your age (2 weeks younger). She was not saying thank you, at least not good enough for you. So after about the 5th cookie you gave her, you said VERY loudly for everyone to hear… “You’re Welcome.” It was hilarious. We were laughing until we cried. Daddy and I wanted to crawl under a rock, but you were so adamant for her to tell you thank you. I’m glad we’ve taught you well my dear  Sunday morning is when we went on the boat and Sunday night we had another birthday party for Dex. It was an Elmo party. Let’s just say that you, ahem, loved to open the gifts and blow out the candles, even though they weren’t yours. You’re crazy kid. You are also totally into singing, the ABC’s, Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, This Little Light of Mine and Happy Birthday To You. I cannot believe this week I’m going to be 30 and you’re going to be 2. I’m so thankful I have a birthday buddy to share my birthday with. I love you with ALL of my heart. I’m a little wistful about the fact that your life is about to change upside down with the impending birth of Briggs. BUT, I know you’ll do great and eventually you’ll forgive me  You certainly aren’t the only kid that’s had to go through it. Just know that Mommy & Daddy cherish your every hug, kiss, laugh, naughty moments, everything we do, is for you sweetheart. We love you.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Dog Days of Summer

Well, the dog days of summer are upon us, meaning that it's time to go back to "school", back to a "normal" routine, blah. We did a lot of fun things this summer and celebrated the end of the summer with a mini-family-getaway. This summer Ella went to a new summer sitter (since Sara only takes 1 day a summer). Ella you did great. At first you weren't so sure, but you loved Miss Erin and her 4 kiddos. You loved to play. It's amazing to think about the difference of dropping you off on the first day of summer vs. the last. You are so much more confident in your words, communication and knowing who I am, who Daddy is, who Miss Erin is, etc... It was fun to watch. This summer I also got to take 1/2 day off every week for "Summer Time." I appreciate my work VERY much for allowing me to do that! Ella we got to spend afternoons at the pool or taking a nap together or in the garden, it was a lot of fun to spend that extra few hours with you. It seemed like this "summer" was actually a "school summer" for you and me. I took a lot of time off (with the help of 'summer time') and for about 2-3 weeks you didn't go to daycare at all, just hung out. I think you love routine, so I think you'll be glad to be back at Miss Sara's for the start of fall, but, you definately liked the chill out days of summer too! Ella took swimming lessons for 2 weeks this summer too which was fun, we'll do that again next year or maybe the year after. We did LOTS of activities in the community like Drive in Move Night, Farmers Markets, Downtown Getdown, Music in the Park, Disc Golfing, all kinds of things. I think you're sort of like me and like to be on the go! This last weekend we went camping for the first time as a family of 3 !! Let's just say that your mom is a trooper, going camping 7 months pregnant, in a tent, with a 2 year old. You did as well as we could of expected, probably a lot better! We went with friends and Marie & Brad, and you had a blast hanging around the campsite, playing in the kiddy pool and eating all kinds of junk! The first night when we put you to sleep in your pack n' play in the tent I'm not sure if you knew what to think. You cried just a little bit and then laid there and went to sleep like a champ. Of course a couple of hours later, you could hear us, and I came to bed to cuddle with you on our air mattress where you slept the rest of the night!! Night two you didn't cry at all, but still came to sleep with us on our bed. On Sunday, we packed up and headed to Madison, WI for a few days. I had some training on Mon, Tues & Wed, and we thought it would be fun for you and Daddy to tag along and play in the hotel. You had a GREAT time at the hotel pool with your "floaties" and asked to go to the "poo" all the time! You thought the hotel room was like a huge play house I'm pretty sure!! You did get in trouble a couple of times for running out of our room to the elevators and pressing the RIGHT buttons and then almost going down to the lobby before Daddy or I could catch you. How in the world are you so stinkin' smart?! You crack us up!! We took you to the zoo on Wednesday before heading home. I will NEVER forget the look on your face when you realized that the bear you were looking at was real. You were so excited. You fed some goats (you loved them!), got scared by an otter than swam real fast by you, and loved riding the mini train they had there. You asked for the "choo choo" over and over again! Whew, what a whirlwind couple of days. You sure were excited when you came home too! Last night, you said, "Mommy color" and I said, "Ella, you know where the colors are, go and get one if you'd like." You walked over to the colors, picked one out and said (with a grunt), "Got one Mommy" walked over to the table, proceeded to color on the notebook that was on the table and exclaimed, "Mommy Mommy M" and I looked down and sure enough, you drew an M. Whether it was by accident or not, it was incredible! Then I asked you to draw a circle and you did that too! Unbelievable!! Daddy didn't believe me, I had to show him the papers!! (I saved them too FYI!). In some other big news, Miss Sara annouced that she's having a baby in Feb/March. We are very excited for them, but I also know that this will change your world upside down. You will go from being an only "kid" at Miss Sara's in eary fall to being the oldest of 2 babies. I know you'll handle it amazingly and I know you'll be a HUGE help! Love you Ella Bella and cheers (as you like to say) to fall, may it be a great one!! Oh, one other new thing... you LOVE LOVE LOVE saying the word "Ma'am"- you call everyone "Ma'am"-hilarious!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Funniest Kid Ever

So, this weekend has been kind of a blur. Friday night we did nothing, which is kind of unusual for us. We did buy a double jogging stroller in preparation for Baby Briggs, Ella, you thought that was awesome, did NOT want to get out of it, only got out of it by kicking and screaming. Oh yeah, Friday night, you were horrible. Now I remember, how did I forget?! It was like the terrible twos hit and you were throwing fits about everything. Man, it was rough. Saturday wasn’t a whole lot better, you were still in this funk of a mood, but we did go to The Young’s house to celebrate Auntie Re’s Bday. They have cows and horses galore at the back of their lot and Ella was OBSESSED. How obsessed you ask? When we went over to pet the horses, you just started calling one of them Bubba out of the blue. “Bubba, come here.” “Bubba, I pet you.” “Bubba, Bubba, stop it Bubba.” HIL-arious. Where in the world you got that from we have no idea? You were so funny about it, Daddy and I are still laughing. Yesterday, we took you to the Sweet Corn Festival. It was a bust. They were even out of sweet corn (your favorite!), sooo, we all came back to our house with friends. You LOVE to show off for people. You kept telling Mr. Aaron “show” (that’s what it sounds like, it’s your short cut for “Let’s Go”) and kept taking him by the hand. You finally got him in the living room with you and gave him a sword to play swords with you and you kept saying “Hiiiiiiyaaaa.” What a riot. You’re CRAZY, I tell you that 100x a day! Today is your “Daddy day” the day you and Daddy get to stay home together and play. Mommy’s sad to be at work, but happy that you’re at home playing with him making the place a disaster.  Speaking of disaster, on Saturday morning, Mommy and Daddy were trying to catch a few extra winks of sleep since you woke up at 7 AM, so we turned on the TV for you. I caught you, out of the side of my eye, running into my closet with something. Daddy got up and chased you down, you had my lipstick EVERY-WHERE. Lovely. You are so obsessed with my makeup. Yesterday was also our last day at our current 46th Street location for New Covenant (insert tears here). It makes me misty eyed and said because that’s the aisle I walked down to meet your daddy on April 22nd, 2006. That’s the church we’ve come to love and cherish. Good news is that there’s a new building that’s big, beautiful and will become comfortable to us with time. I know it’s a good thing. Briggs, I think you liked the music a LOT because you sat there kicking me in beat throughout the entire sermon. Daddy could even see you kick sitting next to me. FYI, it hurts. You’re gonna have some strong arms and legs boy!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nothing like your kid to show you your faults...

This morning as I was getting Ella ready to go to the sitter, she was in a delightful mood, and bossing me around (as usual). She told me, “Mommy Mommy get Dora”, “Go get it Mommy” (you were on a table so you couldn’t get down to go get it), so I went and got you your Dora night light (which you are obsessed with). You held it up to your eye and said “Picture mommy, cheese” “Say cheese Mommy”, so I posed for you, said “cheese.” And then you made a “clicky” sound like you took the picture. THEN…you said, “Mommy Mommy, one more, one more.” We went through this routine about 50 times. Do I really say “One More” after EVERY picture I take ???!!!  (The honest answer is yes). So sorry baby doll that I always make you take “one more.” Good thing I do though because you’re so dang cute I can’t get enough pictures of you!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Around Here

Well, Mommy has had the last few days off to spend with Ella Bella and boy oh boy am I tired and is my house a DISASTER. Funny how that works. Ella came down with a case of impetigo last week- we seriously win an award for having the strangest diseases hit our family. She looked awful for a few days, but now looks EXTREMELY better. Ella, you handled it with grace, like always  Glad you are such a loving child. This week you TOOK OFF with your speech. You do NOT stop talking and it’s mostly demands like… “MOMMY….drink (or eat, or sleep or diaper or insert any other demand here)” or “DADDY… stop it or come on or Dora” or any other command. Miss Sara mentioned today that your speech has just gone crazy over the last couple of weeks. It’s so fun to see. This week we fed the ducks. Daddy and I were laughing at the other Daddy that was there with his kiddos, because he had a stick to ward off the ducks. Daddy turned to you and said jokingly, “Now Ella, don’t be afraid of the ducks.” You ran straight for them, tried feeding them by hand, and then when I turned around to look about 2 minutes later, realized we were surrounded, literally stuck by about 100 ducks/geese. I started freaking out (not you) and Daddy was getting a bit panicky too (mainly because one geese bit your finger, you told him to “Stop it.”), so Daddy had to go get a stick to ward them off, it was so funny!! You crack us up daily. If you are upsetting us and you know it, you will look down and roll your eyes up to the top of your eyes, but not look at us. SO funny. Last night, we went out for Mexican. Eating out with you is a pure disaster right now, not gonna lie. There is NOTHING remotely relaxing or enjoyable about it. BUT, you were actually being pretty decent for the beginning part last night. You LOVE LOVE LOVE chips and salsa. So you were dipping one chip in about 2 cups of salsa and eating it straight like that, and it was spicy stuff. This went on for about 20 minutes until finally you must have gotten a big wiff of something, because you started yelling “Hot Hot, Mommy Hot.” “Drink Mommy, drink drink.” Then you tried crawling out of the high chair to run, when I yelled at you to sit on your bottom, you said, “uh, Daddy, triangle, triangle Daddy.” You looked down, saw a triangle shape and knew that if you started saying your shapes we’d be happy with you and you’d get out of trouble (which happened). So stinkin smart! This morning, Daddy wasn’t feeling very well. You knew it because he was home still and in bed, which he normally isn’t by the time you wake up, you looked at him and said “Daddy, Daddy, you otay? You otay Daddy?” as you patted his back. The cutest thing EVER. Mommy took a bad fall on Sunday with Brigg’s in my belly and Ella in my arms. I tried to protect both babies (and did so successfully), just managed to badly damage my knee in the meantime. Briggs, your mom looks stellar walking around 7 months preggo while limping everywhere- awesome. Anyway, we had to go to the doctor and the nurse could NOT believe how Ella knew all of her numbers and letters. SO funny to hear you say them all. So proud of you for that. You also have been way into singing. The other day we caught you singing your first recognizable song all by yourself….to NO one’s surprise it was “Happy Birthday to You.” Thank you, Grandpa Colton! You LOVE to sing songs and its fun that you sing along with me now. Briggs, you have been kicking me so hard that I’ve about fallen off of my chair a couple of times. You get really excited when I eat ice cream (because its’ cold!) and really upset when I lay on my side and invade your space, you kick me until I give in and move, which makes me wonder if you’re going to be like Ella. I won’t lie, I’m hoping you’ll be a bit more laid back  Daddy and I bought lockers for your room to paint and we’re looking for a dresser and double stroller. The fun never stops!! We love you both more than words! xoxoxoxo

Friday, July 22, 2011

Baby Briggs & More

Well, I must say, as excited as I am about the impending arrival of Baby Briggs in October, he sure did pick an outright FABULOUS time to come. These last two weeks have been the HOTTEST on record since 2003. Lucky, lucky me. Our energy companies are saying we have surpassed energy usage records (by a lot) and the power keeps going out due to too much air conditioners, etc… running. I’m a bit concerned about our electric bill for next month. Eek. So far I’ve been doing okay, though I did through a pity party for myself on Tuesday. I just felt miserable. Hot, icky, sticky, miserable. Even though our air and fans are running galore, the temp is still about 78 wherever you go. HA! Briggs you are a mover and a shaker. Seriously. I can NOT believe how much you move inside of me. I’m a bit afraid you’re like your sister too, you are picky about how I sit and what side I lay on. It’s now getting more and more difficult to maneuver myself in the middle of the night to get comfortable. You are kicking me so hard that I jump and that others can see it. Strong little devil you are. We’re excited to meet you and get LOTS of compliments on your name! Ella Bella, mommy had to go to Chicago this week overnight. I missed you so much you little booger. When I came home you kept taking me by the hand and this morning when we cuddled in bed before I had to come to work, you kept your hand on my face just to make sure I was there. You know ALL of your letters and you can count to 10 by yourself AND you can name all your shapes. You’re so smart and I have no idea how you picked up on all of those things. You LOVE to sing songs like “This little light of mine” and the “B-I-B-L-E” are your favorites. You know ALL of your body parts including your knees and your eyebrows and your favorite words right now are “See it?” “stuck” “hot” “ouchie” “Thank you Mommy” or “Thank you Daddy” or whoever is giving you what you want  HA! We love you both and I still can’t believe how much God loves me to give me gifts like you two.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Counting Queen

Ella Grace, Mommy & Daddy are SO proud of you!!! Last night, after a looooonnnngg night of our first swim lesson of the season and a 9pm basketball game for Olivia (in a gym that was 125 degrees, no lie), you counted to 10 all by yourself, unprompted. We are still in shock!! J Not that we didn't think you couldn't do it, but because we haven't even been working on it that hard. It was 10pm and you were trying to get me off of the couch to put you to bed (you're a weird kid, have I mentioned that). You had my hand and were trying to help me up and counted to 3 (which is when we usually move), but I didn't move at 3, so you kept on going….all the way to 10. WAHHOOOOO. We love you baby. PS. You did great at swim lessons too. The life guard made several comments about how you clearly aren't afraid of much! J

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sweetest Kid Ever

I know I'm biased. I should be, I'm her mom. But seriously, Ella is the sweetest 2 year old girl in the whole world. Sure, sometimes I loose my patience with her. Though, I will say that Ella you're lucky, because it does take me quite a bit to lose patience with you. I'm shocked at how much patience I have actually. Anyway, you seriously try to be the sweetest kid in the whole world. 2 examples. This weekend, we were in the kitchen and you were being VERY clingy. I couldn't get anything done (who does with a 2 year old?!) and you wanted "Up Mommy Up Up." I couldn't pick you up right then and there so you were pulling on my dress, a dress which didn't happen to have straps, so you pulled it down to the ground. There I stood in the kitchen with no clothes on. I yelled at you that it was a no no. You stood there, looked at me like I was shocked I was actually yelling and just stoically took it in. Then you said, "Mommy. Sorry." And ran into the living room, grabbed your blankey and laid on the floor. You were so sweet about it that it made me want to cry. Then last night when I was putting you to sleep, I was rocking you in my arms, and you put your hands on my face and I had this epiphany that one day you won't want me to hold you close, that you'll be pushing me away. So I had tears running down my face and I looked at you and said, "Ella, I love you so much, please don't ever grow up, okay?" And you responded…. "otay." Then I whispered, "I have to lay you down now in your crib, please don't cry, when you wake up you can cuddle with mommy and daddy, but don't cry, okay." And I laid you down, you rolled over and went to sleep. MELT MY HEART. In the middle of the night, you got up and I put you in our bed. You had a HUGE smile on your face, rolled over to daddy, put your hands on his face and kissed him right on the lips and said, night night. What a doll! A few hours later, (5am) we had bad storms and I had to get you out of your crib and bring you downstairs as the sirens were going off. You were still asleep when I carried you down. We laid on the couch together and you abruptly woke up, pointed as you gasped and said, "Mommy, Titan." He was in the living room and he's not supposed to be, and you were so worried about it. You crack me up. Tonight is swimming lessons. I'm as big as a whale, so we'll see how this goes…. Love you Ella Bella.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Big Girl, Big Weekend

Wowza, did we have a fun, full weekend!! On Friday night, we just kinda chilled. On Saturday, we had family day!! While Daddy went disc golfing in the morning, Mommy & Ella played, then while Ella took a nap, Mommy went to the grocery store, and then, when Ella woke up we all went to the Splash Pad in Palo. Ella, you had a fantastic time. The water was frrrreeezzzing and you thought it was hilarious to come up to mommy and daddy with glasses of cold water to splash on us (we didn't have our suits on). You were hilarious! Saturday night, we went to Grandma & Papa's house where we had dinner with Uncle Colton & Uncle Cary, Aunt Ginger & Tegan. You were a hot mess, up until almost 11 pm. That night we decided was the night to take away your beloved MeMe (aka pacifier). You cried and cried. I almost gave in so many times, it was a pathetic sight. I think it was harder for me than you, seriously. You said over and over, Me Me, Where Is It? Mommy, MeMe. You woke up 3 times in the middle of the night wanting it and in the morning as well. You searched EVERYWHERE for the dreaded MeMe. Then, at nap time, it was the same thing, you cried and cried, but when you woke up, you were in the BEST mood and you have been ever since. You did cry Sunday night at bedtime and at Monday's nap, but today, Miss Sara said you went right down without making a peep. Hopefully, we're on the up side. I'm so sad you're not my baby anymore, but so excited at how big you are! Sunday night we had a bonfire at our house and you loved it. You kept trying to be Keagan's mommy. You're going to be the best big sister. On Monday, after your nap, we headed downtown to "camp out." We had an awesome spot with a grill and a kiddy pool for you which you loved, belly flopped right in. You had bubbles and sidewalk chalk, you went crazy over it all. You barely made it until 9:40, but you did, and then you could have cared less about the fireworks. You kept saying, "Mommy, down. (from your stroller)." So you and I took a walk and then you adored then. Briggs, today, we had another ultrasound of your sweet face. It looks a lot like Ella and the nice lady said you had bones like Ella, long arms, legs and fingers! You are breach position, your bottom is to the side with your legs down which is why I feel you kick so low! We can't wait to meet you!! Love you both!

Friday, July 1, 2011

If at first you don't suceed, try try again....

Okay, here goes nothing. This is a 3rd (?) attempt at blogging. It is being fueled by a desperation to document our daily life and "journal" what things Ella and soon to be baby Briggs are doing. My wish is that I continue this so that one day we can reflect back on our family life.

Ella you are almost 2....hard to believe. Tears come to my eyes just typing that. I tell you all of the time, but you are SERIOUSLY the joy of our lives. Gosh you make us smile and laugh all day long. At the end of the night, we are exhausted and we lay in bed and just laugh at the things you have done. Right now, you are TAKING OFF with your words. You are repeating everything we say basically and talking on your own too. The other day we were at the park and a little boy asked you a question and you put your hands out and said, "I don't know." SO funny. You still eat pretty much everything like a champ, last night you ate 2 pieces of pizza. This week we gave you something new- strawberry milk and you went NUTS. You guzzled 2 glasses of it. You have always been observant, but you've started to notice things in the "outside" world too, like yesterday, we were at the pool and a little boy had Diego shorts on and you kept pointing and saying Diego Diego. Your diapers have Dora on them and that's all you talk about when you see a diaper! Right now you LOVE playing outside and at the pool (more on that in a minute), and you are obsessed with your baby dolls (feeding them, putting them in your stroller, giving them your "me me" (aka binkie), rocking them, etc...) and you are equally obsessed with letters and numbers. You count very good with us at the moment, though we've caught you doing it on your own too, we'll get to 5 and you'll say 6, 7, etc.. People comment all of the time on your letters. We went to TJ Maxx a couple of weeks ago and you looked up at the sign on our way in and said "A". You do this ALL of the time on EVERYTHING from cereal to tags. It's hilarious. You are loving the pool. We've been 3 days in a row and you scare me to death. You have NO fear (which is a blessing and a curse). You go down the kiddy slide by yourself without my hand, hold your breath underwater as you smile at me and try to walk into too deep of water. Last night as I put your PJ's on, I could see your little tan lines, so cute. Your hair is pretty much blonde. So funny that I have a blonde haired kid. You are SO social, you go up to anyone and play with them or say Hi. We went to the Balloon Glow on Tuesday night and you went up to a lady and started talking to her. Mindy McCright was talking to us and said, "do you know that lady?" I said, nope. You just love socializing. You LOVE it when we go places and you can run all around and explore. I guess the apple doesn't fall too fall from the tree, huh? At the same Balloon Glow, they had a huge stage with a band, you went straight to the front to boogie. You were on the ground rolling around and everywhere else. You are too funny! Some professional photographer started taking a bunch of pictures of you. You are also getting quite bossy. Last night you would NOT go to sleep (might have something to do with the fact that we gave you a Mr. Slushy right before bedtime). So Daddy laid you in our bed and went to sleep. I came in the room to go to bed and you patted my side of the bed and said, "Mommy, lay down. Mommy, sleep. Mommy, night night." You tell me how to rock your baby and you tell other little kids "No no" and try to usher them where you think they should go. You're going to be quite the big sister. One part of this age that I am anxious to pass is the sitting still part. We went to a patriotic concert last night with the whole fam and you didn't last 5 minutes in the church auditorium. You were everywhere. I had to take you out and play in the halls for 2 hours with you. It doesn't matter if we bring fruit snacks, videos, stickers, Mr. Potato Head (all of which you love), you just do not understand staying in one spot and being quiet! You are so smart too, its scary how you catch onto things. People comment all of the time that you are so inquisitive and determined to stay on something until you figure it out. I think you'll be an engineer of sorts :) . You are definitely left handed too, Boppa (Great-Grandpa) thinks that's great! :) And... Mr. Briggs, as for you, you are going to have quite the house to come home too. Ella is going to eat you up with love (and probably some jealousy too!). I'm very anxious as to how to do it with 2. Guess we'll learn soon enough, huh? Briggs, you are moving ALL OF THE TIME. Ella got to feel you kick the other night. You get mad when I'm sitting (like right now) and when I get hungry (so right now I'm getting kicked doubly as bad!). We love you like crazy already. Daddy is having fun "decorating" your room and tells me to leave the picking out of clothes to him. HA! Yeah right! We've been so adventurous this summer going to a Drive In Movie at a bank, the Balloon Glow, a kids imagination station, a parade, the pool, concerts in the park, all kinds of things and it's just now July! I'm a bit nervous for how to do all of this next year with 2. Hopefully Ella will listen a bit better and Briggs will be a laid back baby (famous last words, right?!). One thing is for sure. We are blessed beyond belief and SO excited for the days, months and years ahead to experience life at its fullest! Love you Ella and Briggs!!!